European Commission Backs Broadband Proposals

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The European Commission is moving ahead with efforts to promote the rollout of fast and "ultra-fast" broadband across Europe with a set of proposals aimed at spurring private investment and competition in "next-generation access networks."

The commission, the European Union's regulatory arm, approved three proposals Monday aimed at helping the EU meet its goal of ensuring its citizens have access to basic broadband by 2013 and "ultra-fast" broadband by 2020. The proposals include approval of a commission recommendation that requires EU member state telecom regulators to adhere to a common approach related to access to high-speed fiber networks that aims to encourage investment while safeguarding competition. For example the commission recommends that before considering price regulation, telecom regulators consider the investment risks and low rate of return such investments may currently receive. In addition, regulators also are urged to select "access remedies" that encourage market entry and infrastructure based-competition and "light touch" regulation in competitive markets. The second proposal calls on the European Parliament and European Council, which is made up of representatives from EU members states, to establish a five-year program aimed at promoting more efficient management of spectrum and ensuring there is enough spectrum available for wireless broadband by 2013. The commission also adopted a broadband communication outlining a consistent approach EU member states should take to meet the EU broadband goals.

European Commission Backs Broadband Proposals