Facebook and Zynga’s co-dependent relationship

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When Zynga went public, analysts dinged the social gaming company for its heavy reliance on Facebook. Now that Facebook’s filed to go public, it appears that the same is true of the social media giant.

In its S-1 filing, the company revealed that its partnership with Zynga accounts for 12 percent of its total revenue — a very surprising amount for a single vendor. And, just as Zynga listed the possibility of its Facebook partnership going south as a risk factor on its paperwork to go public, Facebook listed a similar provision when discussing the Farmville maker. According to the filing: “If the use of Zynga games on our Platform declines, if Zynga launches games on or migrates games to competing platforms, or if we fail to maintain good relations with Zynga, we may lose Zynga as a significant Platform developer and our financial results may be adversely affected.” Facebook is also working hard on expanding its platform to more developers and will have to keep up good relationships with new partners, such as Spotify and Ticketmaster, to keep it robust.

Facebook and Zynga’s co-dependent relationship Facebook and Zynga: Sharing Riches Isn't Always Easy (Wall Street Journal)