Facebook is 'evil.' Wall Street approves

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[Commentary] If you type the phrase "Facebook is evil" into Google, you get about 249 million results. Interestingly, "the devil is evil" only yields 58.7 million results. And you only wind up with 17.9 million hits for "Justin Bieber is evil."

But do you know what? Wall Street doesn't care that Facebook toys with its users. In fact, a big reason why investors may love Facebook's stock so much is because it has so much information about you, me and everyone else that's using the social network. As long as a billion plus individuals are updating their status and checking their News Feeds frequently, Wall Street won't care, either.

That's because investors only care about two emotions: Fear and greed. The $15.6 billion sales estimate for Facebook in 2015 is higher than what analysts think media titans CBS and Viacom will report in annual revenue in 2015. Facebook is also obscenely profitable. Wall Street is forecasting annual earnings growth of about 35 percent per year for the next few years.

Facebook is 'evil.' Wall Street approves