Facebook releases new reports on transparency and oversight amid criticism

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Facebook published a series of reports that showcase the company’s evolving response to a tide of criticism that its platform causes societal harm. The quarterly progress reports — one on widely-viewed content and another on content that was taken down for breaking the company’s rules—showed hate speech is now 0.03 percent, or 3 views of hate speech per 10,000 views of content percent overall on the platform. The prevalence of bullying and harassment is 0.14 to 0.15 percent on Facebook and 0.05 to 0.06 percent on Instagram. This means bullying and harassment content was seen between 14 and 15 times for every 10,000 views of content on Facebook and between 5 and 6 times per 10,000 views of content on Instagram, the company said. Facebook also published on Tuesday a summary of its responses to its Oversight Board, a company-funded body of external experts that has harshly criticized the company and demanded far greater public accounting of its approach to punishing its users, particularly influential figures such as President Trump, and of its role in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Facebook releases new reports on transparency and oversight amid criticism