Facebook says Cambridge Analytica may have accessed data of 87 million users

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The Facebook data of up to 87 million people – 37 million more than previously reported – may have been improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica, the company has revealed. This larger figure was buried in the penultimate paragraph of a blogpost by the company’s chief technology officer, Mike Schroepfer, published April 4, which also provided updates on the changes Facebook was making to better protect user information. Schroepfer outlined sweeping changes to the way third-party developers can interact with Facebook via APIs, the digital interfaces through which third parties can interact with and extract data from the platform. Facebook said that most of its 2 billion users likely have had their personal information scraped by outsiders without the users' explicit permission.

Facebook says Cambridge Analytica may have gained 37m more users' data An Update on Our Plans to Restrict Data Access on Facebook (Facebook) Facebook said the personal data of most its 2 billion users has been collected and shared with outsiders (Washington Post)