Facing Lawsuit, Google Drops Some Content in India

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Google removed some controversial content from its Indian services to comply with a court order in a civil lawsuit, the latest twist in the legal drama over Web censorship in the world's largest democracy.

A person familiar with the matter said Google removed content from its search service, YouTube video site and Blogger after receiving an order to do so from Judge Mukesh Kumar of a New Delhi district court. The material, which includes images of religious figures, has been removed only on Google's localized India Web domain—it is still accessible elsewhere. In a written statement, Google said: "This step is in accordance with Google's longstanding policy of responding to court orders." The company didn't say which specific items it removed.

Facing Lawsuit, Google Drops Some Content in India Google bows to censors in India (SJ Merc News) Google Removes India Content on Court Order (Bloomberg)