Faster Fixed Wireless Comes a Step Closer with Latest FCC Move in 6 GHz Band

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Faster fixed wireless came a step closer because the Federal Communications Commission has approved testing of automated frequency coordination (AFC) systems for the 6 GHz band. That band will be available for commercial full-power outdoor use when one or more AFC systems have been approved for use. The systems are designed to enable spectrum in the band to be shared with existing radio astronomy and point-to-point microwave users by protecting those users from interference. The latest FCC action is good news for fixed wireless equipment makers and the wireless internet service providers (WISPs) who use that equipment and who are hoping to support speeds as high as 1 Gbps using the spectrum. The band includes a wide 1200 MHz swath of spectrum with 160 MHz channels between 5.925-7.125 GHz. When the AFC systems are approved, manufacturers will be able to sell standard-power equipment for outdoor use. Providers that have used the 6 GHz band on an experimental basis for fixed wireless say they have achieved speeds of 1 Gbps.


Faster Fixed Wireless Comes a Step Closer with Latest FCC Move in 6 GHz Band