FCC’s Clyburn: Universal Voice and Advanced Services for All is Our Number One Priority

Speaking to the Consumer Federation of America, Federal Communications Commission member Mignon Clyburn noted that the way in which we communicate is continually changing, but the FCC’s top priority is still to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable communications services.

She stressed how the Universal Service Fund’s Lifeline program has been instrumental in increasing the number of low-income consumers with telephone access. The overall penetration rate for phone service in this nation has increased significantly due to a modest monthly subsidy of less than $10 per month for service. But the Lifeline program has been under attack as of late, and what the critics fail to mention, is what one major provider shared with us. That its average Lifeline customer is a middle-age grandmother, raising her grandchildren on only $12,000 per year.

FCC’s Clyburn: Universal Voice and Advanced Services for All is Our Number One Priority