FCC’s Mignon Clyburn: When a daughter votes her mind

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Mignon Clyburn — the daughter of a prominent South Carolina Democrat — is arguably the most important member of the Federal Communications Commission now that she holds the sway vote on the panel of three as the Senate holds up two nominations indefinitely. But she doesn’t always toe the party — or family — line. On hot-button issues — from net neutrality to mega-mergers — Clyburn has broken with the politics of her powerful father, third-ranking House Democrat Jim Clyburn, and has made FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski work for her vote.

“A lot of us had incorrect expectations of the kind of commissioner she’d be, based in fear,” said Gigi Sohn, co-founder of Public Knowledge. “But she’s favored the public interest with every single vote, and she really cares about disempowered communities.”

FCC’s Mignon Clyburn: When a daughter votes her mind