FCC Adopts Plan to Modernize Field Operations

The Federal Communications Commission adopted a plan to modernize the agency’s field operations within the Enforcement Bureau. The proposal will improve efficiency, better position the agency to do effective radio interference detection and resolution and meet other enforcement needs, and save millions of dollars annually after implementation is complete.

The field reorganization plan adopted by the FCC aligns the field’s structure, operations, expenses, and equipment with the agency’s priorities such as radio frequency interference. It also prepares the field to address future enforcement needs in an ever more complex spectrum environment, and aligns field operations to support this mission. Through this plan, the FCC is maintaining a commitment to respond in a timely manner to interference issues anywhere in the nation, including responding to all public safety spectrum complaints within one day.

FCC Adopts Plan to Modernize Field Operations FCC (read the Order) Statement (Commissioner Pai) Statement (Commissioner O'Rielly)