FCC Advances Seamless Nationwide Access To Mobile Voice And Broadband Service Through Mobility Fund II
The Federal Communications Commission took steps to help expand and preserve 4G LTE mobile coverage across rural American and in Tribal lands by providing $453 million in annual universal service support through the FCC’s Mobility Fund Phase II for a period of ten years. The Mobility Fund was created in 2011 to preserve and extend mobile broadband and voice services in unserved and underserved areas. Mobility Fund I offered providers up to $350 million in one-time funding to spur deployment of advanced wireless services in unserved areas, including Tribal lands. Despite that support and extensive 4G LTE deployment by industry, approximately 575,000 square miles either still lacks access to 4G LTE service or only has 4G LTE coverage because of universal service support. The rules adopted today help close that gap.
The actions taken in the Order will:
- Close Coverage Gaps Through a Mobility Fund II Auction
- Target Areas Needing Support
- Set Service Requirements Establish an Auction Framework
FCC Advances Seamless Nationwide Access To Mobile Voice And Broadband Service Through Mobility Fund II Connect America Fund; Universal Service Reform - Mobility Fund (FCC)