FCC Announces Membership of BDAC Harmonization Working Group

This Public Notice serves as notice that Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai has appointed members to serve on the Harmonization working group of the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee (BDAC). This working group is being formed following the vote of the BDAC on April 25, 2018, to approve both the Model Code for Municipalities and Model Code for States, subject to the understanding that further work would be done to address inconsistencies and otherwise harmonize the two codes. The Harmonization Working Group has been tasked with revising the Model Code for States and the Model Code for Municipalities with the goal of producing model codes that are harmonized with each other and with the BDAC’s prior recommendations. 

Chair: Elizabeth Bowles, President and Chairman of the Board, Aristotle
Vice-Chairs: Kelleigh Cole, Director, Utah Broadband Outreach Center, Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development
David Young, Fiber Infrastructure and Right of Way Manager, City of Lincoln, Nebraska, National League of Cities


  • Jonathan Adelstein, President and Chief Executive Officer Wireless Infrastructure Association
  • Allen Bell, DOT, Joint Use and Franchise Manager, Georgia Power Company Southern Company
  • Robert DeBroux, Director, Public Policy and Federal Regulatory Affairs TDS- Telecom
  • Douglas Dimitroff, Partner, Phillips Lytle LLP New York State Wireless Association
  • David Don, Vice President, Regulatory Policy Comcast
  • Larry Hanson, Director Georgia Municipal Association
  • Andy Huckaba, City Council Member City of Lenexa, Texas
  • Kelly McGriff, General Counsel Uniti Fiber
  • Milo Medin, Vice President, Access Services Google Fiber
  • Chris Nurse, Assistant Vice President, State Legislative and Regulatory Affairs AT&T
  • The Honorable Karen Charles Peterson, Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Cable, National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
  • Brent Skorup, Research Fellow, Technology Policy Program Mercatus Center, George Mason University

FCC Announces Membership of BDAC Harmonization Working Group