FCC Announces the Reauthorization of the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee and Seeks Nominations

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn announced the reauthorization of the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee (IAC) and the FCC is seeking nominations for membership.

The IAC -- comprised of fifteen representatives from local, state, and Tribal governments -- advises the FCC on a range of telecommunication issues for which their governments share responsibility with the FCC. The term of operations of the reauthorized IAC will be two years, beginning not earlier than December 3, 2013, upon the expiration of the term of the current IAC, which will end December 2, 2013. Nominations are due 120 days from release, i.e., on or before February 26, 2014.The FCC is especially interested in candidates representing rural and Tribal areas and individuals with expertise in broadband deployment and adoption policy, rights-of-way, as well as public safety and homeland security matters.

FCC Announces the Reauthorization of the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee and Seeks Nominations