FCC Announces Tentative Agenda for Sept 25 Open Meeting
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin has circulated a number of items for consideration by his fellow FCC Commissioners as part of the tentative agenda for the next open meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 25, 2008. Items include: 1) Public Safety Airwaves (D-Block/700 MHz Auction) - A Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking addressing the D Block and a nationwide interoperable broadband public safety network in the 700 MHz Band. 2) Video Relay Service (DVRS) - Addresses a request for limited waiver of interim emergency call handling rules that would enable DVRS providers to give emergency response authorities the caller's 10-digit callback number, before the new emergency call handling rules take effect on December 31, 2008.
FCC Announces Tentative Agenda for Sept 25 Open Meeting