FCC Chairman Pai's Response to Rep. Matsui Regarding Implementation of the Lifeline National Verifier

On January 31, 2018, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai provided Rep Doris Matsui (D-CA) an update on the FCC's efforts to advance the implementation of the National Life Verifier. Over the last quarter, FCC staff have:

  • reviewed the Universal Service Administrative Company's (USAC) National Verifier development and implementation plans
  • overseen development of the National Verifier processes to ensure compliance with Lifeline rules and applicable laws
  • provided guidance to USAC as it developed a process for reverifying consumer eligibility
  • provided ongoing feedback and guidance to USAC as it finalized consumer and providers online portals
  • assisted in finalizing paper and online forms for use with the National verifier and obtained Paperwork Reduction Act approvals for the forms
  • reviewed and provided guidance on training materials
  • engaged in finalizing and publishing data sharing agreements with New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Mississippi
  • met with leaders of the Navajo Nation to discuss improvements enrollment processes on Tribal lands
  • provided feedback on USAC's information technology and security compliance
