FCC Chairman Pai's Response to Rep. Matsui Regarding Implementation of the Lifeline National Verifier
February 8, 2018
On January 31, 2018, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai provided Rep Doris Matsui (D-CA) an update on the FCC's efforts to advance the implementation of the National Life Verifier. Over the last quarter, FCC staff have:
- reviewed the Universal Service Administrative Company's (USAC) National Verifier development and implementation plans
- overseen development of the National Verifier processes to ensure compliance with Lifeline rules and applicable laws
- provided guidance to USAC as it developed a process for reverifying consumer eligibility
- provided ongoing feedback and guidance to USAC as it finalized consumer and providers online portals
- assisted in finalizing paper and online forms for use with the National verifier and obtained Paperwork Reduction Act approvals for the forms
- reviewed and provided guidance on training materials
- engaged in finalizing and publishing data sharing agreements with New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Mississippi
- met with leaders of the Navajo Nation to discuss improvements enrollment processes on Tribal lands
- provided feedback on USAC's information technology and security compliance