FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel Proposes Final Rules to Support Wi-Fi Hotspots Through E-Rate Program

Millions of students, school staff, and library patrons around the country are on the wrong side of the digital and educational divide and, as a result, lack the same access to educational resources as their peers. To ensure these individuals are not falling behind, Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel shared a proposal that, if adopted, would make the off-premises use of Wi-Fi hotspots and wireless internet services eligible for E-Rate funding. Since 1996, the E-Rate program has provided discounts to assist schools and libraries in obtaining affordable telecommunications and internet access. Over the years, the program has been modernized to focus support on bringing high-speed broadband to and within schools. The Report and Order, if adopted by a vote of the full Commission at its July 18 Open Meeting, would take the next step towards modernizing the program to ensure all students and library patrons have access to the internet access needed for a 21st century quality education.

Chairwoman Rosenworcel Proposes Final Rules to Support Wi-Fi Hotspots Through E-Rate Program