FCC Chairwoman Updates Congress on Funding Shortfall for Removing Insecure Equipment from Communications Networks

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel wrote to Congressional leaders about a more than $3 billion funding shortfall in the FCC's “rip and replace” program. The Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act requires the removal, replacement, and disposal of communications equipment and services produced or provided by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation, and established the FCC’s reimbursement program which has only been appropriated $1.9 billion toward the approximately $4.98 billion in reimbursable costs. Chairwoman Rosenworcel explained the risks national security, network reliability, and small businesses if the program is not fully funded, and urged Congress to fully fund the program. "Several recipients have recently informed the Commission that they foresee significant consequences that could result from the lack of full funding, including having to shut down their networks or withdraw from the program. Because Reimbursement Program recipients serve many rural and remote areas of the country where they may be the only mobile broadband service provider, a shutdown of all or part of their networks could eliminate the only provider in some regions." 

FCC Chairwoman Updates Congress on Funding Shortfall for Removing Insecure Equipment from Communications Networks