FCC Commissioner Copps Announces Staff Changes

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[SOURCE: Federal Communications Commission]
Commissioner Michael J. Copps announced that Jessica Rosenworcel, his Senior Legal Advisor and advisor on media issues, will be leaving the Federal Communications Commission to serve as Senior Legal Counsel to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, working on telecommunications and media issues. Bruce Gottlieb, advisor on spectrum and international issues, will serve as the office's primary point-of-contact for media issues and Scott Deutchman will serve as advisor on competition and universal service issues. John Branscome -- on detail from his post as Chief of the Spectrum and Competition Policy Division of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau -- will assist on spectrum and international issues. All staff changes take place immediately.

* Jessica Rosenworcel Joins Senate Commerce Committee
[SOURCE: US Senate Commerce Committee]

FCC Commissioner Copps Announces Staff Changes