FCC Enforcement Bureau Announces New Chief Technology Officer

The Federal Communications Commission’s Enforcement Bureau announced the addition of Andy Hendrickson as its new Chief Technology Officer to provide strategic and technical advice on technological developments and issues with respect to the Enforcement Bureau’s work and as part of the ongoing effort to strengthen the Bureau’s technical expertise in support of its privacy, data protection, cybersecurity, and network outage enforcement work. The establishment of a Chief Technology Officer position in the Enforcement Bureau continues the FCC’s efforts to confront the challenges of modern communications systems, including its revived focus on privacy and data protection. Hendrickson will work with the FCC’s Privacy and Data Protection Task Force, which Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel established to combat issues such as data breaches of telecommunications, cable, and satellite providers; network outages caused by cyberattacks; and supply chain vulnerabilities involving third-party vendors that service regulated communications providers, including cloud providers.

FCC Enforcement Bureau Announces New Chief Technology Officer