FCC Expands Use of Web 2.0 Tools

Easy-to-use, interactive, collaborative web tools -- known as Web 2.0 applications -- will be a key part of the Federal Communications Commission's efforts to involve the public in the Open Internet inquiry. The FCC has already established the OpenInternet.gov web site as a portal for public participation in the discussion about preserving the free and open Internet. Among the links included on the site is one to Idealscale at http://openinternet.ideascale.com/, which allows the public to evaluate, rank and discuss the ideas regarding the open Internet. The page breaks the discussion down into ten open Internet topics that have generated widespread interest, including freedom of speech, innovation, transparency/disclosure, and others. Also available at OpenInternet.gov is a blog, which provides an additional forum for public comment and debate. Comments from the blog and the Ideascale page (other than anonymous comments) will be included in the official public record of the Open Internet inquiry, along with comments filed through traditional channels at the FCC.

FCC Expands Use of Web 2.0 Tools