FCC Gets Recommendations from Consumer Advisory Committee

On November 4, the Federal Communications Commission’s Consumer Advisory Committee adopted recommendations regarding Lifeline/Link Up reform, public broadcasting funding, and the November 9 test of the Emergency Alert System.

Concerning Lifeline and Link-Up programs, CAC said that that if the FCC wants to reach all intended participants of these programs, any “one per household” rule, if adopted, must legitimately encompass consumers that may be living in group homes or who are homeless. CAC recommends that the FCC not limit but rather expand eligibility and improve service for the low-income community.

The CAC recommended that the FCC, in its interaction with the Administration and with the Congress, support continued federal funding of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting so as to enable CPB to continue its support for public broadcast stations, including those providing service to rural, tribal, native, and disability communities.

On the EAS test, the CAC recommended that in addition to assessing the reliability and effectiveness of the public alerting mechanisms of EAS, the FCC and the Federal Emergency Management Agency specifically examine (1) the effectiveness of its outreach efforts to the public (including outreach targeted to persons with hearing, vision, and dual sensory loss disabilities); and (2) the accessibility of information available to consumers (including persons with hearing disabilities) during the National EAS test. The CAC further recommended that FEMA, the FCC, and other EAS partners specifically conduct targeted outreach to, and design future EAS tests and information, to meet the needs of consumers with hearing, vision, and dual sensory loss disabilities.

FCC Gets Recommendations from Consumer Advisory Committee CAC (CPB recommendation) CAC (EAS recommendation)