FCC Launches Inquiry into Internet Routing Vulnerabilities
The Federal Communications Commission released a Notice of Inquiry seeking comment on steps that the FCC should take to protect the nation's communications network from vulnerabilities posed by the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). The Department of Homeland Security warned US organizations at all levels that they could face cyber threats stemming from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The proposal would begin an inquiry into the vulnerabilities of the Internet’s global routing system. This Notice of Inquiry begins a proceeding by seeking public comment on vulnerabilities threatening the security and integrity of the BGP, which is central to the Internet’s global routing system. The inquiry will also examine the impact of these vulnerabilities on the transmission of data through email, e-commerce, bank transactions, interconnected Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and 911 calls—and how best to address these challenges.
FCC Launches Inquiry into Internet Routing Vulnerabilities Chair Rosenworcel Launches Inquiry to Reduce Cyber Risks (FCC)