FCC Launches National Lifeline Verifier in Puerto Rico
The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau announces the launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier (National Verifier) for all new enrollments in Puerto Rico. Starting on June 23, 2020, eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) in Puerto Rico will be required to use the National Verifier’s eligibility determination process for all consumers applying for Lifeline service and must cease using legacy eligibility processes for prospective Lifeline subscribers. As of June 23, 2020, consumers in Puerto Rico can begin to check their eligibility for Lifeline service directly by using the National Verifier consumer portal available at CheckLifeline.org. The consumer portal is available in both English and Spanish language versions. Consumers, as well as service providers, will also be able to mail Lifeline program forms and documentation to the Universal Service Administrative Company for manual review.
WCB Announces Launch of National Verifier in Puerto Rico