FCC Opens Proceeding on Servicing, Assembly, & Manufacturing In Space

In an effort to promote United States leadership in the emerging space economy, the Federal Communications Commission voted to open a proceeding on the economic potential and policy questions related to servicing, assembly, and manufacturing taking place beyond the earth’s atmosphere. This Notice of Inquiry will examine the opportunities and challenges of space missions like satellite refueling, inspecting and repairing in-orbit spacecraft, capturing and removing debris, and transforming materials through manufacturing while in space. The FCC also adopted new rules to lay the groundwork for giving satellite launch companies ready access to spectrum for transmissions from space launch vehicles during pre-launch testing and space launch operations. This Notice of Inquiry specifically seeks information on how the FCC might update, clarify, or modify its rules and licensing processes to responsibly facilitate progress and reduce barriers for in-space servicing, assembly, and manufacturing (ISAM) missions. This proceeding will also review the spectrum needs of these missions, implications on the FCC’s orbital debris rules, and any unique regulatory issues presented by ISAM activities beyond Earth’s orbit.

FCC Opens Proceeding on Servicing, Assembly, & Manufacturing In Space