FCC Pressured to Release New Evidence on Net Neutrality’s Importance through Process Open to Public Input by NHMC and 20 Additional Groups

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The National Hispanic Media Coalition filed a joint Motion, with 20 additional organizations, in the Federal Communications Commission’s Restoring Internet Freedom proceeding asking the FCC to enter into the record all open internet complaints, ombudsperson correspondence, and carrier responses since the 2015 Open Internet Order, and set a comment period to allow for public input on the new evidence. NHMC initially asked for all related documents in May and, as of this writing, has not received any of the attachments to the ombudsperson emails and has received only 823 pages of the 18,000 carrier responses to consumer complaints about issues they experienced.

FCC Pressured to Release New Evidence on Net Neutrality’s Importance through Process Open to Public Input by NHMC and 20 Additional Groups