FCC Proposes Enhanced Competition Incentive Program

Coverage Type 

The Federal Communications Commission proposed an enhanced competition incentive program to encourage licensees to offer opportunities for small carriers and Tribal Nations to obtain spectrum via lease, partition, or
disaggregation. The program would also be available to an array of entities interested in providing wireless service in rural areas. This is the latest FCC action to close the digital divide and make further progress on Congress’ goals in the MOBILE NOW Act to promote diversity of spectrum access and availability of rural service. Transactions that qualify for the program would be those that facilitate spectrum use by entities unaffiliated with the licensee wherein the licensee designates at least 50 percent of the licensed spectrum to an assignee or a lessee through either a small carrier or Tribal Nation transaction or through a rural-focused transaction. The proposals would create new opportunities for small carriers and Tribal Nations to get access to spectrum, and would result in greater competition and expanded wireless deployment in rural areas bringing more advanced wireless service including 5G to underserved communities.

FCC Proposes Enhanced Competition Incentive Program