FCC Releases Meeting Agenda
The Federal Communications Commission will hold an Open Meeting on Thursday, September 23, 2010. Here's the agenda.
The FCC will consider:
1) a Second Memorandum Opinion and Order addressing 17 petitions for reconsideration of the rules adopted in this proceeding to make unused spectrum in the TV bands available for unlicensed broadband wireless devices while protecting incumbent services;
2) a Report and Order that improves connectivity for students and library patrons, and accelerates the National Broadband Plan's goal of affordable access to 1 gigabit per second broadband at community anchor institutions across the country, by upgrading, modernizing, and streamlining the E-Rate program;
3) a Second Report and Order that enables a more effective emergency response system by establishing a timeline and benchmarks for wireless carriers to provide more granular E911 location information at either a county-based or PSAP-based geographic level; and
4) a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of Inquiry that seeks to improve E911 location accuracy and reliability for existing and new voice communication technologies, including Voice over Internet Protocol and, consistent with the National Broadband Plan, to understand the ways in which voice communications enabled by broadband and next generation 911 technologies could support enhanced first response.
FCC Releases Meeting Agenda