FCC Releases New Telephone Reports

Late last month, the Federal Communications Commission released five new reports on the telephone industry. Now you can impress friends, family and colleagues with your knowledge of telephone trends, subscribership, revenue, prices, and numbering utilization. As of March 2008, the telephone subscribership penetration rate in the US was 95.2%, an increase of 0.6% over the rate from March 2007; the penetration rate for households in income categories below $20,000 was at or below 94.2%, while the rate for households in income categories over $60,000 was at least 98.3%; and penetration rates ranged from a low of 91% in South Carolina to a high of 98.4% in Colorado.

FCC Releases New Telephone Reports FCC Releases Study On Telephone Trends (FCC press release) Telephone Trends report FCC Releases New Telephone Subscribership Report (FCC press release) Telephone Subscribership Report FCC Releases Annual Telecommunications Industry Revenue Report (FCC press release) Telecommunications Industry Revenue Report FCC Releases Reference Book Of Rates, Price Indices, And Household Expenditures For Telephone Service (FCC press release) Rates, Price Indices, And Household Expenditures For Telephone Service FCC Releases Telephone Numbering Resource Utilization Report (FCC press release) Numbering Resource Utilization Report