FCC Releases Orders On Broadband

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The FCC released rules for the newly "deregulated" providers of high-speed Internet service over digital subscriber lines and mandated that they and Internet telephone companies design their networks to facilitate surveillance by law enforcement. The agency issued two separate orders. One declared that broadband over DSL provided by telecommunications companies is now an unregulated "information service." The other imposed requires all broadband and companies capable of being linked to the public-switched telephone network to help law enforcers implement wiretaps. The FCC unanimously approved both moves Aug. 5. The obligation to comply with the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act was seen as necessary, simultaneous action because without it, DSL providers would have been exempt from the wiretapping law. Two of the agency's four commissioners questioned the legality of the FCC's action with regard to CALEA. And at least two groups -- the Center for Democracy and Technology, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation -- said they are likely to sue because Internet services were specifically exempted from the 1994 CALEA.
[SOURCE: Technology Daily, AUTHOR: Drew Clark]

* Wiretap rules for VoIP, broadband coming in 2007

* VoIP Order: http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-153A1.doc

* Broadband sharing requirements: http://www.fcc.gov/FCC-05-150A1.pdf

FCC Releases Orders On Broadband