FCC Releases Universal Service Monitoring Report
The Federal Communications Commission released its Universal Service Monitoring Report on December 22, 2015, which includes data received through September 2015. The report was prepared by federal and state staff members for the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, and contains information designed to monitor the impact of various universal service support mechanisms and the method used to finance them.
The report incorporates data from several sources, including NECA and USAC, and includes an update on industry revenues, universal service program funding requirements, and contribution factors, among other things. Subscribers relying on Lifeline, the FCC's low-income phone subsidy, declined for the second straight year in 2014. The report says that 13.4 million people participated in the program in 2014, down from 14.5 million in 2013 and 17.1 million in 2012. The drop from 2012 to 2014 is by far the largest two-year decline in the program's 18-year history.
FCC Releases Universal Service Monitoring Report