FCC Report on Wilmington DTV Transition

In two releases, the Federal Communications Commission is reporting back on what happened in Wilmington (ND) on Monday. The 400,000 viewers in the Wilmington area represent an estimated 180,000 households, of which nearly 14,000 receive free over-the-air television programming with roof-top antennas or "rabbit-ears." During the first day of the transition, approximately 800 (797) area residents or less than one-half of one percent of area homes called the FCC helpline asking questions and seeking help with the switch-over to digital television. On September 9, the second day of the transition, the number of calls decreased by almost 50 percent from the first day to 424. Based on calls to the FCC helpline through the first day, most consumers were aware of and ready for the transition. The Commission's helpline received just 23 calls from consumers who said they were not aware of the switch to digital television and/or did not know the date of the transition.

FCC Report on Wilmington DTV Transition Day Two Overview of DTV Transition Helpline Calls Digital TV test shows the FCC will need more phones