The FCC Reports on the Changing Media Landscape in a Broadband Age
On June 9, 2011 the Federal Communications Commission's Working Group on the Information Needs of Communities delivered an analysis of the current state of the media landscape.
It was back in January 2010, that the FCC issued a Public Notice seeking information on the future of media and the information needs of communities in the digital age. The FCC promised the effort would result in an examination of the changes underway in the media marketplace, analyze the full range of future technologies and services that will provide communities with news and information in the digital age, and, as appropriate, make policy recommendations to the FCC, other government entities, and other parties. The topics examined include: the state of TV, radio, newspaper, and Internet news and information services; the effectiveness and nature of public interest obligations in a digital era; and the role of public media and private sector foundations.
The FCC Reports on the Changing Media Landscape in a Broadband Age