FCC Requests Comment on the Public Trial of Google’s TV Band Database System Registration Procedures

The Federal Communications Commission’s Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) is requesting comment on the 45-day public trial of a new system of registration procedures for Google’s TV bands database system that was completed on July 17, 2014.

Google has provided a summary report on the trial of its new registration procedures and modified database system to OET.

This summary report identifies: 1) problems reported and their disposition and 2) descriptions of changes made by Google to its new registration procedures or its channel availability calculator during the trial period. The FCC is requesting that interested parties submit comments on the trial and this report by August 13, 2014. Replies are due by August 19, 2014.

Office of Engineering and Technology Requests Comment on the Public Trial of Google’s TV Band Database System Registration Procedures Testing Completed For Seventh White Space Database System (CommLawBlog)