FCC on Response and Recovery Efforts Post-Hurricane Sandy

Our deepest condolences go out to those who lost loved ones as a result of the storm. And our deepest gratitude goes to the first responders and other emergency teams who are working tirelessly in the recovery efforts. This was, and remains, a devastating storm, and the FCC continues to assess and respond to the impact of Hurricane Sandy on our nation’s communications infrastructure.

Overall, the condition of our communications networks is improving, but serious outages remain, particularly in New York, New Jersey, and other hard-hit areas. We are continuing to work closely with FEMA and our other federal, state, and local partners – as well as communications companies – in response efforts. In the days and weeks ahead, we will continue to expect the unexpected as the full picture of Hurricane Sandy’s impact on communications networks develops. The crisis is not over. We’ll continue to be intensely focused on helping with the full recovery of wired and wireless communications infrastructure.

FCC on Response and Recovery Efforts Post-Hurricane Sandy FCC: Communications Improving but Outages Linger (National Journal)