FCC Seeks Comment on 2018 Biennial Review of Telecommunications Regulations
The Federal Communications Commission is required to review biennially its regulations “that apply to the operations or activities of any provider of telecommunications service” and“determine whether any such regulation is no longer necessary in the public interest as the result of meaningful economic competition between providers of such service.” The FCC must repeal or modify any regulation that it finds are no longer in the public interest. With this Public Notice, the relevant FCC Bureaus and Offices seek comment from the public as to what rules should be modified or repealed as part of the 2018 biennial review. Submissions should identify with as much specificity as possible the rule that the commenting party believes should be amended or repealed, and explain why and how the rule should be amended or repealed. We seek such comment for all rules that are outdated, archaic, or otherwise not in the public interest. To facilitate review, comments should be filed in the appropriate docket (or dockets for rules within the jurisdiction of more than one Bureau or Office).
FCC Seeks Comment on 2018 Biennial Review of Telecommunications Regulations