FCC Seeks Comment on 700 MHz Guard Band Licenses

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[SOURCE: Federal Communications Commission]
On Friday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (Notice) that seeks comment on possible changes to the rules governing the licensees in the Guard Band portions of the 700 MHz spectrum band. The Notice also seeks comment on possible changes to the surrounding upper portions of the 700 MHz band plan allocation. The Notice seeks comment on several service rule changes that may provide greater flexibility to 700 MHz Guard Bands licensees, while maintaining adequate interference protection for public safety licensees. It also seeks comment on proposals for re-licensing the Guard Bands licenses returned from Nextel. These proposals include: 1) reallocating the spectrum for exclusive public safety use; or 2) reallocating the spectrum for narrowband channels for critical infrastructure industries in support of interoperability with public safety entities. Finally, the Notice seeks comment on modifying the existing Upper 700 MHz band plan with respect to the Guard Bands, asking commenters to consider band plan proposals made by existing Guard Band Managers and other interested parties. The FCC tentatively concludes, however, that the adoption of any proposal that would entail shifting the narrowband channels of the public safety band would require an expeditious resolution of issues related to the costs of reprogramming public safety radios, as well as international coordination for the use of any shifted narrowband channels in border areas.

FCC Seeks Comment on 700 MHz Guard Band Licenses