FCC Seeks Comment On Draft Eligible Services List For Schools and Libraries Universal Service Program

The Federal Communications Commission’s Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a draft eligible services list (ESL) for the schools and libraries universal support mechanism (also known as the E-rate program) for funding year 2015.

In the E-rate Modernization Order, among other things, the FCC restructures the ESL into category one and category two services, streamlines the list of eligible internal connections components to focus support on those services and components needed for broadband connectivity within schools and libraries, and eliminates other services and components beginning in funding year 2015. The draft ESL the FCC releases with this public notice implements the changes required by the E-rate Modernization Order. The FCC seeks comment on the draft ESL for funding year 2015. Commenters should highlight whether the draft manifests the FCC’s decisions and intent in the E-rate Modernization Order, and to the extent that they find additional changes are necessary, we encourage commenters to be as detailed as possible with their recommendations.

FCC Seeks Comment On Draft Eligible Services List For Schools and Libraries Universal Service Program