FCC Seeks Comment on Letter Seeking RDOF and CAF II Amnesty From 69 ISPs, Trade Associations, State and Local Officials, School Districts, Unions and Civil Organizations

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The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on a letter from 69 Internet Service Providers, Trade Associations, State and Local Officials, School Districts, Unions, and Civil Society Organizations [including the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society]. The letter requests that the FCC  provide “[Rural Digital Opportunity Fund] and [Connect America Fund Auction] awardees who cannot or do not intend to build their networks a very short and expedited amnesty period of no more than a month that allows them to relinquish all or part of their winning areas without being penalized to the full extent that the Commission’s rules provide.” Interested parties may file comments on or before March 26, 2024; reply comments are due April 9, 2024. 

Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Letter Seeking RDOF and CAF II Amnesty From 69 Internet Service Providers, Trade As