FCC Seeks Comment on Spectrum Bridge’s Spectrum Database System

The Federal Communications Commission’s Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) is requesting comment on the recently completed 45-day public trial of Spectrum Bridge Inc.’s database system designed to support the operation of unlicensed transmitting devices in broadcast television spectrum bands (TV bands database system).

In a Public Notice released September 14, 2011, DA 11-1534, the FCC announced that, beginning September 19, 2011, it was conducting a 45-day public trial of Spectrum Bridge Inc.’s TV bands database system. This trial allowed the public to access and test Spectrum Bridge’s database system to ensure that it correctly identifies channels that are available for unlicensed TV bands devices, properly registers facilities entitled to protection, and provides protection to authorized services and registered facilities as specified in the rules. Participants were encouraged to report any inaccuracies or other issues with any aspect of the database system to Spectrum Bridge. Spectrum Bridge has provided a summary report on the trial of its TV bands database system to OET that identifies: (1) problems reported and their disposition; and (2) descriptions of changes made to the channel availability calculator or registration systems. The FCC is requesting that interested parties submit comments on the trial and this report.

FCC Seeks Comment on Spectrum Bridge’s Spectrum Database System FCC Seeks Comment on "White Space" Database Test (CommLawBlog)