FCC Seeks Comment on Video Devise Innovation

The Federal Communications Commission is requesting public comment on how the FCC can encourage innovation in the market for video devices that will assist the Commission's development of a National Broadband Plan. As the popularity of IP delivery of video continues to increase, the FCC believes that new applications will emerge, Internet use will increase, consumers will have more viewing options, and more viewers will want to access Internet content on their televisions. The convergence of the television and content delivered by IP makes this a critical time to promote innovation in set-top devices that could support the Commission's effort to drive broadband adoption and utilization. Accordingly, the FCC wishes to consider taking an active role in formulating a solution that will spur the development of a retail market for nationally portable video devices that will work across all delivery platforms, including MVPD platforms and broadband-based video platforms. The FCC asks: 1) A. What technological and market-based limitations keep retail video devices from accessing all forms of video content that consumers want to watch? 2) Would a retail market for network agnostic video devices spur broadband use and adoption and achieve Section 629's goal of a competitive navigation device market for all MVPDs? 3) Can the home broadband service model be adapted to allow video networks to connect and interact with home video network devices such as televisions, DVRs, and Home Theater PCs via a multimedia home networking standard? 4) What obstacles stand in the way of video convergence? Comments are due Monday, December 21, 2009.

FCC Seeks Comment on Video Devise Innovation FCC Requests Information on How Set-Top Boxes Can Spur Internet Viewing (B&C)