FCC Seeks Nominations for Tribal Gvt Reps to Serve on Renewed FCC Native Nations Communications Task Force
Since its establishment in March 2011, the Federal Communications Commission Native Nations Communications Task Force has been composed of senior FCC staff and elected or appointed leaders from federally recognized Tribal governments or governmental entities, or their designated employees, and has helped the Commission fulfill its commitment to increasing broadband deployment and adoption on Tribal lands. In view of the Task Force’s increasing involvement in a range of Commission matters and undertakings going beyond broadband deployment and adoption, the Commission, through its Office of Native Affairs and Policy (“ONAP”), finds it appropriate to renew the Task Force and seeks applications for membership on the Task Force.
The issues to be considered by the Task Force may include, but are not limited to: (i) executing the Commission’s Tribal Consultation policy; (ii) identifying barriers to broadband deployment that are unique to Tribal lands; (iii) ensuring Tribal concerns are considered in all Commission proceedings related to broadband and other Commission undertakings that affect Tribal interests regarding communications services and facilities.
FCC Seeks Nominations for Tribal Gvt Reps to Serve on Renewed FCC Native Nations Communications Task Force