FCC shoots down Netflix's call to expand the scope of net neutrality

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The Federal Communications Commission made clear that it won't heed Netflix CEO Reed Hastings' call to expand the scope of network neutrality to regulate the way companies connect across the physical infrastructure of the Internet.

This system, which includes Internet companies like Netflix, middlemen like Cogent, and Internet service providers like Comcast, is the backbone that moves data across the country from Netflix servers into consumers' homes.

"Peering and interconnection are not under consideration in the Open Internet proceeding, but we are monitoring the issues involved to see if any action is needed in any other context," an FCC spokesperson said. Confusingly, at the same time, the agency also said that it was considering new rules to regulate the paid arrangements between companies like Comcast and Netflix.

FCC shoots down Netflix's call to expand the scope of net neutrality No surprise here: The FCC isn’t going to make peering a net neutrality issue (GigaOm) Netflix's Net-Neutrality Plea Gets Rejected by the FCC (National Journal)