FCC Unveils Broadband Plan

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The Federal Communications Commission released it long-awaited national broadband plan Monday -- a 360-page document that agency officials dubbed a "call to action" for extending low-cost, high-speed Internet service to all Americans by 2020.

The technology blueprint, required by last year's economic stimulus package, outlines six long-term goals, including superfast connectivity to 100 million households and transforming the U.S. into a world leader in mobile broadband use and innovation. The plan recommends the development of standardized cable set-top boxes that would enable Internet surfing on televisions, and suggests the idea of a free, advertiser-funded wireless broadband service available regionally or nationwide. During a news conference Monday, FCC officials said the plan would require dozens of new commission rulemakings, but only limited congressional action, for implementation. That action would include allocating $12 billion to $16 billion to create a nationwide wireless broadband network for public-safety officials.

FCC Unveils Broadband Plan FCC unveils National Broadband Plan (CNet) FCC to propose nationwide expansion of high-speed Internet (LATimes) Broadband plan's goals are wide-ranging (The Hill)