Federal Coalition Announces 2021 National Tribal Broadband Summit
August 16, 2021
The National Tribal Broadband Summit will take place September 17, 24 and October 1, 2021. This year's virtual event will convene Tribal broadband industry experts to discuss how to make the most use of the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Grant funds, American Rescue Plan Act funds, and other Federal funding opportunities for broadband, and how to plan for the future of Tribal broadband networks and digital economies. The 2021 summit will focus on:
- Implementing the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Grant. Planning and implementing network construction and expansions, obtaining rights of way, NEPA assessments, and multi-jurisdictional projects. Implementing telehealth, distance learning, adoption, and workforce development projects, including equipment distribution and maintenance, curriculum development, and training methodologies.
- Planning for Long Term Success. Identifying needs, setting goals, creating strategies, developing a plan, and leveraging data to maximize the short and long-term educational, cultural and economic benefits of connectivity. Developing a local tribal workforce to maintain and operate networks, capacity building for Tribes and Tribal organizations, and achieving financial stability.
- Technical Solutions, Middle Mile, Connectivity Solutions. Exploring the various connectivity options available and identifying possible solutions to bring broadband to Tribal lands. E.g., spectrum white spaces, new spectrum and how best to use it, and middle mile networks.
- Broadband Use and Adoption. Leveraging technology to improve health care outcomes via telehealth services, enhancing economic development, increasing community engagement, and expanding educational opportunities.
National Tribal Broadband Summit Federal Coalition Announces Summit to Improve Broadband (US Department of the Interior) Federal Coalition Announces Summit to Improve Broadband Access Across Indian Country (Institute of Museum and Library Services)