Fiber Broadband Driving Home Sales and Value

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Not only does fiber increase the power and capability of the home, but it also adds to the overall value of the real estate and its ability to be sold more quickly as buyers look for reliable high-speed broadband for work-from-home, telehealth, gaming, streaming, and smart home devices such as security cameras and personal assistance. According to Adtran, consumer needs for more broadband are growing every year. U.S. Internet adoption has increased to 81% of households, telehealth popularity has doubled year-over-year since 2020, e-commerce is expected to reach $8.1 trillion by 2026, and in-home devices have increased to 22 per home in 2024. Additional research from Adtran shows both business and residential consumption have increased since 2017, with an overall 21.2% CAGR for residents. By enabling all of these applications to be run on high-speed, low-latency broadband, fiber increases the value of the home, according to platforms such as Doorify MLS. The MLS service, the 33rd largest in the U.S., provides competing real estate and brokers to share information about houses, land, and buildings, such as size, amenities, and internet access.

Fiber Broadband Driving Home Sales and Value