Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Bill, 2025

The Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Bill provides a total discretionary allocation of $23.608 billion, which is nearly 20 percent below the President’s Budget Request and nearly 10 percent below the effective spending level provided in Fiscal Year 2024. The defense portion of the allocation is $45 million, and the non-defense portion of the allocation is $23.563 billion. The bill prioritizes agencies and programs that combat terrorism financing, maintain the integrity of our financial markets, spur small business growth, support the judicial branch, and target opioid abuse. The bill provides $416.1 million for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which is $31.9 million below the FY25 Budget Request and $25.9 million above the FY24 enacted level. Policy riders for the FCC include:

  • Continues to prohibit the FCC from changing rules regarding single connection or primary line restrictions.
  • Prohibits the FCC from increasing the minimum service standard for the Lifeline program.
  • Prohibits funds for FCC’s digital discrimination rulemaking.
  • Prohibits funds for the FCC to reclassify broadband or restore its net neutrality rules.

FINANCIAL SERVICES AND GENERAL GOVERNMENT APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2025 Committee Releases FY25 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Bill