Flynn, Manafort, Cohen the Faces of An Epidemic: Shadow Lobbying

[Press release] The news reports that AT& T and Swiss-based drugmaker Novartis paid Michael Cohen, President Trumps personal lawyer, an estimated $1.8 million in 2017should set off alarm bells for the lobbying profession, Congress, and the American people. In 2005, it took the actions of one man, Jack Abramoff, for the American people and Congress to come down hard on the lobbying profession. There was legislation seeking to outright ban lobbyist activities to requiring that they report every move they made. Today however is a different story. Today, we have Michael Flynn who made millions of dollars “lobbying” for foreign governments without reporting his activities. We have Paul Manafort who made millions of dollars “lobbying” for foreign entities without reporting his activities. Now, it appears Michael Cohen was paid almost $2 million by large companies seeking access to the Trump Administration and yet there is no call for reform. “I’m sitting here scratching my head today. In 2005, my days were filled with hearings, interviews, and hate mail calling for our heads because of the actions of Jack Abramoff.” Stated Paul Miller, President, National Institute For Lobbying & Ethics. “Today however, no matter how hard we try to get attention focused on the epidemic of “shadow” lobbying, no one seems to care.”

Flynn, Manafort, Cohen the Faces of An Epidemic: Shadow Lobbying