Forrester: Businesses having trouble getting with the digital times
Although businesses acknowledge the disruptions digital technology will bring them, digital is still not driving business strategy, concludes a report entitled "The State of Digital Business in 2014".
While 74 percent of business executives surveyed say their company has a digital strategy, just 15 percent believe their company has the capability to execute the strategy. "Despite the threat of disruption, digital is not yet driving business strategy in 2014. Only 34 percent of executives in companies with more than 250 employees see digital technology as a major driver of business strategy.
Forrester expects this number to climb significantly as more and more firms feel the impact of disruption in their markets," the report states.
Forrester believes every business needs to transform into a digital business, in which digital technologies are exploited to find new sources of value for customers and increase operational agility. Successful digital business transformation requires a CEO's full support to drive investment priorities.
But few CEOs set a clear vision for digital, Forrester said. Outside of the business's digital team, few executives understand their firm's digital strategy.
Forrester: Businesses having trouble getting with the digital times