'Foul play' suspected in Super Bowl porn feed

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And you thought Janet Jackson was bad? Pornographic content interrupted thousands of Tucson Comcast subscribers' Super Bowl broadcast, apparently an intentional malicious act. Only Comcast subscribers who received a standard definition signal could see the clip, while those who watched the game on high-definition televisions were not affected. The US Attorney's office in Phoenix said it is looking into the interruption, which lasted about 30 seconds, and featured full male nudity. The Federal Communications Commission was not aware of any formal complaints made regarding the porn clip. Comcast has contacted the Federal Communications Commission as well as local authorities to investigate the matter. But an initial review showed that the company's technical systems functioned properly at the time of the incident, suggesting someone deliberately seeking to interrupt the broadcast rather than a technical glitch.

'Foul play' suspected in Super Bowl porn feed Comcast Apologizes for Super Bowl Porn Glitch (WSJ)