Four Open Access Principles for the 700 MHz Auction

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[SOURCE: Public Knowledge]
[Commentary] Public Knowledge and the Public Interest Spectrum Coalition joined Google, Skype, Frontline Wireless, and other technology sector organizations in filing a letter to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin. This letter presents a united front among advocates for open access: public interest groups and high tech companies all agree that open access is an absolute must for the upcoming 700 MHz auction. The four opens of successful open access are: 1) Open Devices: An open devices provision would require the licensee to allow any device to attach to the network, so long as that device does not harm the network. 2) Open Applications: The second “open principle” would allow consumers to access the same applications if they move their devices from one network to another. 3) Open Services: Here, the licensee would be required to make every important network interfaces available to wholesale customers and third-party application providers. 4) Open Networks: Requiring the licensee to make the network available to other service providers on a non-discriminatory basis at wholesale prices remains the only way to ensure competition and new wireless service providers.

Four Open Access Principles for the 700 MHz Auction